Zombie Slayer To Night ------------------------ It was late into the night My parents were asleep I hread my little sister cry And did not know why Mother and father They did not reply to sisters's cry So I wondered, if something had happened I crept slowly down the hall I heard deep breathing, so I held my breath My little sister's cry's had stopped I walking into my sister's room Standing over her was mother and father I turned on the light In their arms, was my bloody little sister's body They had eaten her head and towrn her appart And So I screemed I screamed very loudly I had no idea of what to do Mother and father They, they both were looking dead to me As they came after me, like in some kind of horrror film They chaced me down the hall, through the darkness I ran out side into the streets They were all covered with zombies I was frightened, very scread for my own life The police, they were zombies too I found out that if I was silent They could not find me in hiding I hid for many hours I watched them kill so many lives It was terrifying After relizing Sitting there in hiding for three nights in a row I knew, there was no end to this If it was dream and this was not reality I was never going to wake up This nightmare would continue on I knew I had to serive And So I crept Back into the house I grabbed my fauthers sawrd I ran out side Into the night Slaying them all All the adults Who had turned into zobies Even the children Of my own age and younger I sliced away Every zombie near me I screamed - And more came I was slaying all of the zombies I was a Zombie slayer Rulling the night with only my fathers sawrd I am - a- Zombie Slayer To Night ----------------------- Zombie Slayer To Night 10-26-2010 MCtheGirL